function j2httpRequest_js(){ var t=this; t.onreadystatechange=null; t.readyState=0; t.responseText=null; t.responseXML=null; t.status=200; t.statusText="OK"; t.responseJS=null; t.caching=false; t.loader=null;; t._ldObj=null; t._reqHeaders=[]; t._openArgs=null; t._errors={inv_form_el:"Invalid FORM element detected: name=%, tag=%",must_be_single_el:"If used,
must be a single HTML element in the list.",js_invalid:"JavaScript code generated by backend is invalid!\n%",url_too_long:"Cannot use so long query with GET request (URL is larger than % bytes)",unk_loader:"Unknown loader: %",no_loaders:"No loaders registered at all, please check j2httpRequest_js.LOADERS array",no_loader_matched:"Cannot find a loader which may process the request. Notices are:\n%"}; t.abort=function(){ with(this){ if(_ldObj&&_ldObj.abort){ _ldObj.abort(); } _cleanup(); if(readyState==0){ return; } if(readyState==1&&!_ldObj){ readyState=0; return; } _changeReadyState(4,true); } };,_3,_4,_5,_6){ with(this){ if(_3.match(/^((\w+)\.)?(GET|POST)\s+(.*)/i)){ this.loader=RegExp.$2?RegExp.$2:null; _2=RegExp.$3; _3=RegExp.$4; } try{ if( RegExp("[&?]"+session_name+"=([^&?]*)"))||document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:;|^)\\s*"+session_name+"=([^;]*)"))){ _3+=(_3.indexOf("?")>=0?"&":"?")+session_name+"="+this.escape(RegExp.$1); } } catch(e){ } _openArgs={method:(_2||"").toUpperCase(),url:_3,asyncFlag:_4,username:_5!=null?_5:"",password:_6!=null?_6:""}; _ldObj=null; _changeReadyState(1,true); return true; } }; t.send=function(_7){ if(!this.readyState){ return; } this._changeReadyState(1,true); this._ldObj=null; var _8=[]; var _9=[]; if(!this._hash2query(_7,null,_8,_9)){ return; } var _a=null; if(this.caching&&!_9.length){ _a=this._openArgs.username+":"+this._openArgs.password+"@"+this._openArgs.url+"|"+_8+"#"+this._openArgs.method; var _b=j2httpRequest_js.CACHE[_a]; if(_b){ this._dataReady(_b[0],_b[1]); return false; } } var _c=(this.loader||"").toLowerCase(); if(_c&&!j2httpRequest_js.LOADERS[_c]){ return this._error("unk_loader",_c); } var _d=[]; var _e=j2httpRequest_js.LOADERS; for(var _f in _e){ var ldr=_e[_f].loader; if(!ldr){ continue; } if(_c&&_f!=_c){ continue; } var _11=new ldr(this); j2httpRequest_js.extend(_11,this._openArgs); j2httpRequest_js.extend(_11,{queryText:_8.join("&"),queryElem:_9,id:(new Date().getTime())+""+j2httpRequest_js.COUNT++,hash:_a,span:null}); var _12=_11.load(); if(!_12){ this._ldObj=_11; j2httpRequest_js.PENDING[]=this; return true; } if(!_c){ _d[_d.length]="- "+_f.toUpperCase()+": "+this._l(_12); }else{ return this._error(_12); } } return _f?this._error("no_loader_matched",_d.join("\n")):this._error("no_loaders"); }; t.getAllResponseHeaders=function(){ with(this){ return _ldObj&&_ldObj.getAllResponseHeaders?_ldObj.getAllResponseHeaders():[]; } }; t.getResponseHeader=function(_13){ with(this){ return _ldObj&&_ldObj.getResponseHeader?_ldObj.getResponseHeader(_13):null; } }; t.setRequestHeader=function(_14,_15){ with(this){ _reqHeaders[_reqHeaders.length]=[_14,_15]; } }; t._dataReady=function(_16,js){ with(this){ if(caching&&_ldObj){ j2httpRequest_js.CACHE[_ldObj.hash]=[_16,js]; } responseText=responseXML=_16; responseJS=js; if(js!==null){ status=200; statusText="OK"; }else{ status=500; statusText="Internal Server Error"; } _changeReadyState(2); _changeReadyState(3); _changeReadyState(4); _cleanup(); } }; t._l=function(_18){ var i=0,p=0,msg=this._errors[_18[0]]; while((p=msg.indexOf("%",p))>=0){ var a=_18[++i]+""; msg=msg.substring(0,p)+a+msg.substring(p+1,msg.length); p+=1+a.length; } return msg; }; t._error=function(msg){ msg=this._l(typeof (msg)=="string"?arguments:msg); msg="j2httpRequest_js: "+msg; if(!window.Error){ throw msg; }else{ if((new Error(1,"test")).description=="test"){ throw new Error(1,msg); }else{ throw new Error(msg); } } }; t._hash2query=function(_1e,_1f,_20,_21){ if(_1f==null){ _1f=""; } if((""+typeof (_1e)).toLowerCase()=="object"){ var _22=false; if(_1e&&_1e.parentNode&&_1e.parentNode.appendChild&&_1e.tagName&&_1e.tagName.toUpperCase()=="FORM"){ _1e={form:_1e}; } for(var k in _1e){ var v=_1e[k]; if(v instanceof Function){ continue; } var _25=_1f?_1f+"["+this.escape(k)+"]":this.escape(k); var _26=v&&v.parentNode&&v.parentNode.appendChild&&v.tagName; if(_26){ var tn=v.tagName.toUpperCase(); if(tn=="FORM"){ _22=true; }else{ if(tn=="INPUT"||tn=="TEXTAREA"||tn=="SELECT"){ }else{ return this._error("inv_form_el",(||""),v.tagName); } } _21[_21.length]={name:_25,e:v}; }else{ if(v instanceof Object){ this._hash2query(v,_25,_20,_21); }else{ if(v===null){ continue; } if(v===true){ v=1; } if(v===false){ v=""; } _20[_20.length]=_25+"="+this.escape(""+v); } } if(_22&&_21.length>1){ return this._error("must_be_single_el"); } } }else{ _20[_20.length]=_1e; } return true; }; t._cleanup=function(){ var _28=this._ldObj; if(!_28){ return; } j2httpRequest_js.PENDING[]=false; var _29=_28.span; if(!_29){ return; } _28.span=null; var _2a=function(){ _29.parentNode.removeChild(_29); }; j2httpRequest_js.setTimeout(_2a,50); }; t._changeReadyState=function(s,_2c){ with(this){ if(_2c){ status=statusText=responseJS=null; responseText=""; } readyState=s; if(onreadystatechange){ onreadystatechange(); } } }; t.escape=function(s){ return escape(s).replace(new RegExp("\\+","g"),"%2B"); }; } j2httpRequest_js.COUNT=0; j2httpRequest_js.MAX_URL_LEN=2000; j2httpRequest_js.CACHE={}; j2httpRequest_js.PENDING={}; j2httpRequest_js.LOADERS={}; j2httpRequest_js._dummy=function(){ }; j2httpRequest_js.TIMEOUTS={s:window.setTimeout,c:window.clearTimeout}; j2httpRequest_js.setTimeout=function(_2e,dt){ window.j2httpRequest_js_tmp=j2httpRequest_js.TIMEOUTS.s; if(typeof (_2e)=="string"){ id=window.j2httpRequest_js_tmp(_2e,dt); }else{ var id=null; var _31=function(){ _2e(); delete j2httpRequest_js.TIMEOUTS[id]; }; id=window.j2httpRequest_js_tmp(_31,dt); j2httpRequest_js.TIMEOUTS[id]=_31; } window.j2httpRequest_js_tmp=null; return id; }; j2httpRequest_js.clearTimeout=function(id){ window.j2httpRequest_js_tmp=j2httpRequest_js.TIMEOUTS.c; delete j2httpRequest_js.TIMEOUTS[id]; var r=window.j2httpRequest_js_tmp(id); window.j2httpRequest_js_tmp=null; return r; }; j2httpRequest_js.query=function(url,_35,_36,_37){ var req=new this(); req.caching=!_37; req.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(req.readyState==4){ _36(req.responseJS,req.responseText); } };,url,true); req.send(_35); }; j2httpRequest_js.dataReady=function(d){ var th=this.PENDING[]; delete this.PENDING[]; if(th){ th._dataReady(d.text,d.js); }else{ if(th!==false){ throw "dataReady(): unknown pending id: "; } } }; j2httpRequest_js.extend=function(_3b,src){ for(var k in src){ _3b[k]=src[k]; } }; j2httpRequest_js.LOADERS.xml={loader:function(req){ j2httpRequest_js.extend(req._errors,{xml_no:"Cannot use XMLHttpRequest or ActiveX loader: not supported",xml_no_diffdom:"Cannot use XMLHttpRequest to load data from different domain %",xml_no_headers:"Cannot use XMLHttpRequest loader or ActiveX loader, POST method: headers setting is not supported, needed to work with encodings correctly",xml_no_form_upl:"Cannot use XMLHttpRequest loader: direct form elements using and uploading are not implemented"}); this.load=function(){ if(this.queryElem.length){ return ["xml_no_form_upl"]; } if(this.url.match(new RegExp("^([a-z]+://[^\\/]+)(.*)","i"))){ if(RegExp.$1.toLowerCase()!=document.location.protocol+"//"+document.location.hostname.toLowerCase()){ return ["xml_no_diffdom",RegExp.$1]; } } var xr=null; if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ try{ xr=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e){ } }else{ if(window.ActiveXObject){ try{ xr=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e){ } if(!xr){ try{ xr=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e){ } } } } if(!xr){ return ["xml_no"]; } var _40=window.ActiveXObject||xr.setRequestHeader; if(!this.method){ this.method=_40&&this.queryText.length?"POST":"GET"; } if(this.method=="GET"){ if(this.queryText){ this.url+=(this.url.indexOf("?")>=0?"&":"?")+this.queryText; } this.queryText=""; if(this.url.length>j2httpRequest_js.MAX_URL_LEN){ return ["url_too_long",j2httpRequest_js.MAX_URL_LEN]; } }else{ if(this.method=="POST"&&!_40){ return ["xml_no_headers"]; } } this.url+=(this.url.indexOf("?")>=0?"&":"?")+"j2httpRequest_js="+(req.caching?"0""-xml"; var; xr.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(xr.readyState!=4){ return; } xr.onreadystatechange=j2httpRequest_js._dummy; req.status=null; try{ req.status=xr.status; req.responseText=xr.responseText; } catch(e){ } if(!req.status){ return; } try{ var _42=req.responseText||"{ js: null, text: null }"; eval("j2httpRequest_js._tmp = function(id) { var d = "+_42+"; = id; j2httpRequest_js.dataReady(d); }"); } catch(e){ return req._error("js_invalid",req.responseText); } j2httpRequest_js._tmp(id); j2httpRequest_js._tmp=null; };,this.url,true,this.username,this.password); if(_40){ for(var i=0;i=0?"&":"?")+this.queryText; } this.url+=(this.url.indexOf("?")>=0?"&":"?")+"j2httpRequest_js=""-"+"script"; this.queryText=""; if(!this.method){ this.method="GET"; } if(this.method!=="GET"){ return ["script_only_get"]; } if(this.queryElem.length){ return ["script_no_form"]; } if(this.url.length>j2httpRequest_js.MAX_URL_LEN){ return ["url_too_long",j2httpRequest_js.MAX_URL_LEN]; } var th=this,d=document,s=null,b=d.body; if(!window.opera){ this.span=s=d.createElement("SCRIPT"); var _4a=function(){ s.language="JavaScript"; if(s.setAttribute){ s.setAttribute("src",th.url); }else{ s.src=th.url; } b.insertBefore(s,b.lastChild); }; }else{ this.span=s=d.createElement("SPAN");"none"; b.insertBefore(s,b.lastChild); s.innerHTML="Workaround for IE."; var _4a=function(){ s=s.getElementsByTagName("SCRIPT")[0]; s.language="JavaScript"; if(s.setAttribute){ s.setAttribute("src",th.url); }else{ s.src=th.url; } }; } j2httpRequest_js.setTimeout(_4a,10); return null; }; }}; j2httpRequest_js.LOADERS.form={loader:function(req){ j2httpRequest_js.extend(req._errors,{form_el_not_belong:"Element \"%\" does not belong to any form!",form_el_belong_diff:"Element \"%\" belongs to a different form. All elements must belong to the same form!",form_el_inv_enctype:"Attribute \"enctype\" of the form must be \"%\" (for IE), \"%\" given."}); this.load = function() { var th = this; if (!th.method) th.method = 'POST'; th.url += (th.url.indexOf('?') >= 0? '&' : '?') + 'j2httpRequest_js=' + + '-' + 'form'; // If GET, build full URL. Then copy QUERY_STRING to queryText. if (th.method == 'GET') { if (th.queryText) th.url += (th.url.indexOf('?') >= 0? '&' : '?') + th.queryText; if (th.url.length > j2httpRequest_js.MAX_URL_LEN) return ['url_too_long', j2httpRequest_js.MAX_URL_LEN]; var p = th.url.split('?', 2); th.url = p[0]; th.queryText = p[1] || ''; } // Check if all form elements belong to same form. var form = null; var wholeFormSending = false; if (th.queryElem.length) { if (th.queryElem[0].e.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'FORM') { // Whole FORM sending. form = th.queryElem[0].e; wholeFormSending = true; th.queryElem = []; } else { // If we have at least one form element, we use its FORM as a POST container. form = th.queryElem[0].e.form; // Validate all the elements. for (var i = 0; i < th.queryElem.length; i++) { var e = th.queryElem[i].e; if (!e.form) { return ['form_el_not_belong',]; } if (e.form != form) { return ['form_el_belong_diff',]; } } } // Check enctype of the form. if (th.method == 'POST') { var need = "multipart/form-data"; var given = (form.attributes.encType && form.attributes.encType.nodeValue) || (form.attributes.enctype && form.attributes.enctype.value) || form.enctype; if (given != need) { return ['form_el_inv_enctype', need, given]; } } } // Create invisible IFRAME with temporary form (form is used on empty queryElem). // We ALWAYS create th IFRAME in the document of the form - for Opera 7.20. var d = form && (form.ownerDocument || form.document) || document; var ifname = 'jshr_i_' +; var s = th.span = d.createElement('DIV'); = 'absolute'; = 'none'; = 'hidden'; s.innerHTML = (form? '' : '') + // stupid IE, MUST use innerHTML assignment :-( '' if (!form) { form = th.span.firstChild; } // Insert generated form inside the document. // Be careful: don't forget to close FORM container in document body! d.body.insertBefore(s, d.body.lastChild); // Function to safely set the form attributes. Parameter attr is NOT a hash // but an array, because "for ... in" may badly iterate over derived attributes. var setAttributes = function(e, attr) { var sv = []; var form = e; // This strange algorythm is needed, because form may contain element // with name like 'action'. In IE for such attribute will be returned // form element node, not form action. Workaround: copy all attributes // to new empty form and work with it, then copy them back. This is // THE ONLY working algorythm since a lot of bugs in IE5.0 (e.g. // with e.attributes property: causes IE crash). if (e.mergeAttributes) { var form = d.createElement('form'); form.mergeAttributes(e, false); } for (var i = 0; i < attr.length; i++) { var k = attr[i][0], v = attr[i][1]; // TODO: sv[sv.length] = [k, form.getAttribute(k)]; form.setAttribute(k, v); } if (e.mergeAttributes) { e.mergeAttributes(form, false); } return sv; } // Run submit with delay - for old Opera: it needs some time to create IFRAME. top.j2httpRequest_jsGlobal = j2httpRequest_js; // Disable ALL the form elements. var savedNames = []; if (!wholeFormSending) { for (var i = 0, n = form.elements.length; i < n; i++) { savedNames[i] = form.elements[i].name; form.elements[i].name = ''; } } // Insert hidden fields to the form. var qt = th.queryText.split('&'); for (var i = qt.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var pair = qt[i].split('=', 2); var e = d.createElement('INPUT'); e.type = 'hidden'; = unescape(pair[0]); e.value = pair[1] != null? unescape(pair[1]) : ''; form.appendChild(e); } // Change names of along user-passed form elements. for (var i = 0; i < th.queryElem.length; i++) { th.queryElem[i] = th.queryElem[i].name; } // Temporary modify form attributes, submit form, restore attributes back. var sv = setAttributes( form, [ ['action', th.url], ['method', th.method], ['onsubmit', null], ['target', ifname] ] ); form.submit(); setAttributes(form, sv); // Remove generated temporary hidden elements from the top of the form. for (var i = 0; i < qt.length; i++) { // Use "form.firstChild.parentNode", not "form", or IE5 crashes! form.lastChild.parentNode.removeChild(form.lastChild); } // Enable all disabled elements back. if (!wholeFormSending) { for (var i = 0, n = form.elements.length; i < n; i++) { form.elements[i].name = savedNames[i]; } } } // Success. return null; }};